Monday, July 26, 2010

Life Throws a Curve

Curt & I decided the blog would be a good place to let you all know...

On Wednesday of last week, Curt went to his physician because he had been having heartburn for about 10 days and over the counter meds did not seem to be taking care of the problem. His doctor treated him for the GERD problem but also began tests for his heart. Curt had an EKG on Wednesday and then had a stress test with the dye pictures on Friday. The dye pictures showed some blockage. The stress test & EKG were normal. His doctor scheduled an appointment with the cardiac doctor in Watertown for this morning. We expected to have a stent or possibly a balloon procedure to clear the blockage. Fifteen minutes after the doctor looked at the blockage he reported it was too severe and Curt would be moved by ground ambulance to the heart hospital in Sioux Falls.

It is Monday evening and he is resting comfortably before his 6:30 AM multiple bypass surgery.

We are thankful this was all caught early. It is very scary to know there is a 90% blockage, a 70-80% blockage and a 50% blockage. We are learning much about the heart & heart surgery.

I will post tomorrow evening after the surgery.

1 comment:

  1. You will both be in our prayers. I have let Nancy and Don know, as well as Pat and Frank. Thanks for keeping us all informed.


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