Saturday, July 10, 2010

More Flowers from my Yard

I am posting some more flower pictures today. These were taken before we had the weeks of hot temps and high humidity.

My friend Diane helped me select the varied pink colors of impatiens for the display in the front of the house. Although it is on the west side, there is very little direct sunlight due to the large silver maple trees that provide much appreciated summer shade to the house and yard. Diane also convinced to  plant many impatiens very close together. Thanks for the hint Diane, because this is the best the impatiens have looked, ever!

I think I finally found the right plants to put in this cool cup and saucer planter from Kari, a Mother's Day gift several years ago. I've tried quite a number of different flowers, but the impatiens are doing the best. It helps that they are on the north side of the house and do not get any direct sunlight.

This was the flower planter I put together based on the color of the coleus. The yellow daisy-like flowers with the dark purple centers looked just right with the coleus and the deep purple sweet potato vine. This was the first group of flowers I bought in April when the temps were in the 70s and before we had 3 weeks of below normal temps for May. But they all survived.

The 'new' green rimmed pink petunias are also a summer hit. That planter looks really good with the matching pink 'double' petunia plant and the ice plant for contrast.

I brought the hibiscus home from AZ this spring. It has faithfully produced one bloom on its spindly stem. I noticed this week, there are several buds and the spindly stem is beginning to look like a real plant. It will make the journey back to AZ, if I can keep it alive in October and November.

It is a Willa week next week so look for probably daily posts of our favorite grand daughter.

1 comment:

  1. Coleen, your summer flowers are maginificent, lovely, cool colours. I did not realize SD had the heat and humidity along with Ontario. Brutal, eh!!!!!


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