Saturday, December 4, 2010

My Moment as a Queen

For the last two winters I have Acted Like a Queen.  Queen Mum Cathy of the CV Vixens Red Hat was unable to come back to CV those two winters and I did not want the group to 'fall apart' so I 'Acted Like a Queen'. But this season I have decided to pass the crown so to speak. I would like more time to do the things I come to AZ to do. This season Queen Mum Cathy has returned and she and some of our fellow Red Hatters decided I needed a coronation to recognize my two seasons as 'Acting Like a Queen'.

I came to the meeting 15 minutes early to find the room full of women in Red Hats. I suspected something was up when I saw how Cathy & Hazel were dressed. No t-shirts for them! Thus began my coronation.
My throne 

 OK, I'm ready

First, the sash, then tiara

Then the BLING

Next, the glasses & finally, the blinking, lighted scepter

Queen Mum Cathy and Hazel

Thank you for a fun afternoon!
Thank You Mary C for sharing pictures.

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