Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Present for Willa

Last weekend I noticed a rummage sale ad that said "down sizing day care toys and furniture: child size table & chairs set". I also noticed the sale was in the neighborhood of the baseball games hubby was attending. Between games he checked it out and came home with a little present for Willa. (We have the table and chairs given to us/Kari by my parents over 25 years ago.)

Hubby cleaned the set, loaded it in the van and moved it to Willa's bedroom yesterday afternoon. It was waiting for her when she got home from day care.

Papa was telling her it was her table and chairs.

Well then, let's play!

 Lots of toys were moved to the table.

Even a little milk during play time with Papa.

 She loved moving the chairs around the room,
especially near the bed.

She asked Papa to get one of many/several
stuffed animals from her bed.

Kneeling on her chair when she 
was told she shouldn't stand on it.

A pose just for G'ma!


  1. Oh my gosh said I wnen I scrolled down to the last picture! Priceless. Miss Willa is no longer a 'baby'.....she is such a little girl. What a darling. Love her smile, love her hair. What a surprise for her to walk in her room and see the table and chairs. A great find!

  2. Dianne, you took the words right out of my mouth. I was all set to say she is not a baby anymore, but an adorable toddler ... getting so grown up. Good thing there is another baby on the way to hold and rock. Boy does she have Papa wrapped around her finger!


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