Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tree Trimming Man

The beautiful aged silver maple trees in our yard need attention every now and then. The strong winds over the weekend threw some of the dead branches to the ground, but a more serious look this morning revealed a large dead branch that could cause some serious damage if it landed on a person or vehicle.

Tree Trimming Man to the rescue...
We have a discussion every time he wants to climb the trees

 Really, he just wanted to have an excuse to use his Little Giant Ladder...
but at least his ladder is more stable and reliable. I would hate to show you the set-up contraption he used the last time!

I hold my breath and the ladder...

And he begins sawing away on the dead branch... 

And I held my breath some more as he continuously changed positions while perched in the maple.

 It is down...well sort of...it is off but is caught in the branches of the other maple tree...

 Some ingenuity and it is finally laying on the ground...

 ready for cutting into fire pit size lengths.

These branches were a few of the ones downed by the winds. They are all cleaned up now until the next strong winds come blowing through the trees.

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