Friday, September 28, 2012

Craft & DIY Projects

I am not sure why it is that I put off until time to leave for the winter, all the projects on my TO DO list. One would think by now I would have learned not to save them for the last minute, but NO...

 The one project I did start in May was to try making my own vanilla, using vanilla beans in the pod and some very good vodka. It smells wonderful. I have not done any baking to use the vanilla, so don't know if it worked. But it smells like it worked.

 I have a personal goal of making a photo book for Willa each year. Last year's book was about the animals we have seen in Arizona. I had found this cute, CUTE photo book and was waiting for inspiration. Finally, it came to me in July, a photo book of colors from the Black Hills. I finished the book last week, in two days. Again, I had the idea 2 months ago, why did I wait until last week???

There was an ulterior motive for this book. Right now at 29 months, Willa calls every color pink.  I thought maybe this book would help her to correctly identify colors. Once a teacher...always a teacher?

I am hoping the books will be keepsakes for her. Grandma always has the camera with her, so Willa will understand (later) the significance of G'ma's photos and books just for her.

 Since I had the scrap booking table and tools out, I had the motive and inspiration to work on Kari's book. I have made a scrap book for each of her trips to AZ. I was only one trip 'behind'. But since she is coming next month, I decided I best get the first 2012 trip in the book.

I had bought some funky AZ appropriate paper last winter. Luckily, I had enough so each page has the same background paper. Certainly, made putting the book together easy. Did her pages in a day.

The last weekend I was along to Minneapolis Kari and I spent some time paper crafting. We visited a  paper store and crafting shop to find inspiration. I brought my Cuttlebug along so we could play. And play we did. Kari had such fun papers. It helps that she works at a crafting store!

And I had fun playing with the embossing toy. I am excited for the stamping classes at CV this winter. I enjoy my creativity time; just wish I did it more often.

1 comment:

  1. Not only are you a photographer you are a master of creativity. Very clever to give Miss Willa a photography book each year.


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