Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Willa Visits Our House

Willa came to visit last week Wednesday. For whatever reason there aren't that many photos documenting the occasion. We had a wonderful, special time with her. Thanks K & C for letting her come a few days on her own and spend time with us.

 The horse was one of the first things/toys brought out for her to enjoy. In fact, it was her first request.

 She had taken an napkin and was wiping surfaces. Not one to ignore an opportunity and teaching moment, I found the swifter and let her dust. No time like the present, right?

She was told she could not sit, stand or lay on Grandma's table. But somehow dusting...she was laying on the table. Pushing the boundaries...

The rest of her family came on Friday evening. She had missed her baby brother and was most excited to hold him.

 Marek on Saturday morning, posing for Grandma.

Willa saying, "No, don't take a picture, Grandma." while playing with the magnetic bears. She called them puzzles.

One final pose of Willa and Marek before they left for the other Grandma & Grandpa's house.

I commented tonight how I don't have near as many photos of Marek as of Willa at this age. How does that happen? Poor little fella!

1 comment:

  1. It happens let me tell you! Darling pics of the two little ones together. It is wonderful to have a one on one, Miss Willa would have loved being with Grandma and Grandpa.


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