Sunday, September 1, 2013

Daughter Projects Update/Follow-Up

Last month I posted about some projects we had worked on and completed for our daughter. We worked on another one this past week. She had seen a DIY project on pinterest and asked her dad if he/we could make it for her. 

This is the original photo and blog post she had seen. The woman claimed she could make the floor candle sticks for $12.00. So of course we could do that too.

3 different stairway spindles
(not newel posts)
prices varied from $9-$14 + tops & bottoms $3+ apiece

2 quarts of stain in differing colors and 1 quart of varnish
(stain needed to match the tables we did last month)
I had the varnish on hand

TA DA... the finished project
Cost ... about $60 for the 3

The other project we completed was the footrest for the chair
we recovered last month.

She had bought the fabric
We had the foam

I stained the legs
(They were part of our original $84 bill!)

Upholstery tacks were the final touch

With the chair in her apartment
(The chair seat is too thick. We will redo that.)

This was the first side table we had made for her in 2010.

This is the side table we completed in July.

Now for one of HER projects.

She has been taking cake decorating classes.


She made the fondant, covered the base, made the cake
and decorated it. Unfortunately, the cake was more than 
a month old, so we did NOT taste it. She keeps bragging 
about her tasty cake...
Maybe NEXT month???

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Coleen! Loved seeing your DIY Projects. LOVE the floor candles and side tables! Had to laugh about the price. I read and watch those DIY things too, and wonder how what world these people are shopping in! It's been my experience that if I find the items first, and then decide what to do with them, it is usually inexpensive. BUT...if I am shopping for something for a specific project it NEVER works that way! Anyway - loved seeing the finished project! Thanks for sharing. Debra


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