Friday, September 20, 2013

Thursday's Sunset

Living in town, it is rare we actually see the colors of a sunset during the summer. I have often mentioned that is one of the things I miss most when not in AZ...the sunsets. Because we live in the desert, away from the city, and because the kitchen window, the deck and the patio door are on the west side of the AZ casa, we see awesome winter colored sunsets.

We were driving through Rapid City around 7:00 last evening and as we headed south out of town to Hart Ranch I had a view of the awesome orange and purple colors of last night's South Dakota sunset in the Black Hills.

And the full moon rising in the east.

But the best part of the evening was getting hugs from AZ/CV
friends Pat & Frank when we arrived at the campground.
We shared stories, wine, and enjoyed delicious carrot cake, 
compliments of Pat. YUM! 
Looking forward to a couple of days enjoying their company
before they continue their journey east & south and THEN
back to the southwest.

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