Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thanksgiving Week in a Nutshell

Tuesday afternoon:

Mcbe (the little guy) fell asleep just before the plane landed. Miss W stayed awake during the 2.5 hour flight. Both G'kids were good travelers for their first airplane ride.

Thanksgiving meal:

Turkey cooked in the crock pot, mashed potatoes in the crock pot, fresh green beans, dressing/stuffing from scratch (including drying/toasting bread in the oven), gravy (also from scratch) and cranberry jello salad. All done on time. All very tasty ~ three first time recipes. Lots of leftovers which was perfect as I was craving Rachel Ray's Day after Thanksgiving Layered Dish. (recipes on my Thanksgiving Meal Pinterest Board)


There were walks with G'pa, usually while G'ma was cooking or prepping a meal. Miss W wanted to meet our friends. She also wanted to go to our REAL house.

Mcbe enjoyed some lap time, especially if his sister was doing something interesting at the table. We had bought and brought books, coloring books, crayons, markers, puzzles, animals, magnetic dress-up dolls, sidewalk chalk...you get the idea. All kinds of things Miss W enjoyed using at our REAL house. Her favorite activity here...

playing in the gravel. She was entertained for a couple of hours everyday. Some of her other entertainments will be shared. Miss W is an early riser, usually 6:30 back home. So why was I surprised to see the kitchen light turned on at 5:30 Wednesday morning???? She did sleep a little bit later a couple of days. 

Even 16 month old Mcbe enjoyed playing in the rocks. The shovel was almost as big as he is tall. He also enjoyed the time outside as it is rare to be outdoors this time of year for them. Playing in the rocks earned baths each night.

We all enjoyed some games of bocce ball. The old folks were beaten by the kids. I think it is because they can bend their knees better than we can! Miss W enjoyed exploring the area at The Views. Up at 5:30 AM and lots of running outdoor time should have equaled a LONG afternoon nap. It didn't.

The G'Kids were really good despite different sleeping arrangements, time change, unfamiliar surroundings, and the excitement of a different environment.

Our only out-of-park excursion was to see the lighted display at the Mormon Temple in Mesa on Friday.  Dinner was heating in the oven while we were gone; the Rachel Ray leftover Thanksgiving Layered Dish*. It was a hit with everyone, but especially with me. There was some leftover which was just as tasty on Sunday. 

Grandpa got some snuggle time with Mcbe Saturday morning before leaving for the airport. He is going to be happy to be home in his own bed, in his own room, in his own house. Hopefully he will go back to sleeping all night. Mcbe, not G'pa.

Miss W had brought the suitcase her mother used when she was a little girl visiting her grandparents. The suitcase says "Going to Grandma's". Grandma Liz had saved it for Miss W. 

Then it was time to say goodbye as they head back home. Thanks for coming and spending Thanksgiving with us! We loved sharing our winter home with you...even if it isn't our REAL house.

*Rachel Ray's Recipe: I have spent over an hour searching her website and other sources for the recipe I remember. I know I first saw it on her show and later found it on her website many years ago, like maybe before 2005.  It goes something like this...In a bake pan layer the following: leftover stuffing, chunks of turkey, a can of whole berry cranberry jelly, the mashed potatoes, and cover with leftover gravy. Bake until heated through. (sweet potatoes and green beans could be added, but it is the combination of the stuffing, turkey, and cranberry jelly that makes this awesome.)

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