Friday, February 14, 2014

Geocaching in Yuma

Last weekend was the SWAG (South West Arizona Geocachers) Yuma Mega Event #11. We went last year not really knowing much about events, especially Mega Events (at least 500 people register with the intent of attending). We missed an event or two last year because we did not think that 4:00-6:00 meant 4:00 to 6:00. (Yes, we are dealing with seniors & retired folks.) So this year we were a little more prepared.

The first event of the weekend was the Yuma Mega Event #11 Flash Mob on Friday evening. I have posted about another Timely Flash Mob we attended in December. Well, the one in Yuma was a flash mob in numbers if not in 'how to'. Our directions: "a momentary gathering of a large group of people who perform an odd and rather pointless act. This flash mob will serve as an ice breaker for the Yuma Mega Event #11.
Everyone who is interested in participating in the Yuma Mega Event #11 Flash Mob should BRING SUNGLASSES (the standard kind or crazy sun glasses) and try to be near (but not at) the coordinates by 5:00 p.m. Friday, Feb. 7, 2014. 
At 5:01, everyone will quickly PUT ON HIS OR HER SUNGLASSES and congregate around the fountain, forming one or more conga lines. Immediately, music will start (“The Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades”). During the song, participants will do a “walking” conga dance around and about the fountain area (step-step-step-kick, step-step-step-kick, etc.). When the music stops, everyone will take off his or her sunglasses and wander nonchalantly away."
First of all seniors get to EVERYTHING early! And it takes us a long time to leave because we have nothing else to do, and we might see somebody we know. I know there were people on the street corner at 4:00 waiting for the 5:00 event!
one of four street corners

the fountain in the middle of the street
Yes, nobody was AT the coordinates before 5:01

another corner

more are gathering

there is somebody else we know on that corner

CV geocachers, Neil & Marlene

and Neil & Marlene spotted us on the opposite corner

5:01...Conga Lines
it is hard to dance and count and take photos at the same time!

people in the middle taking photos
well, I think the guy was taking photos...

Marlene got a photo of hubby and me in our shades doing the conga line dance

my arm on hubby's shoulder

lots of geocachers trying to step-step-step-kick

still dancing

some folks wore their shades

it's over
S L O W L Y  d i s p e r s i n g...

The Yuma #11 Flash Mob was so much fun!
Now I can say I have been part of a flash mob
as there were enough people involved to make a
statement, an "odd and pointless" statement, but 
a statement none the less.

More Yuma photos to come.

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