Monday, September 29, 2014

Round-Up Followup

I am posting some photos and commentary as a follow-up to Friday, 
the day of the Buffalo Round-Up.

These 'hats' were sold out by the time we got to the 
souvenir tent. We bought T-shirts.

A filming crew or TV reporter was present

A photo of the buses and cars on the south hill.

A few of these buffalo hats were still for sale ~ $40

The Cathedral Spires along the Needles Highway

I never tire of the views

The Needles Tunnel ~ 8'4" wide

We watched one of our fellow tour buses enter, back-up,
re-enter after getting straight. 
There is NO bend to the tunnel.
The buses are 8' wide.

So our driver Matt, wanted to have some fun with the
folks at the other end of the tunnel. After following the same maneuvers of the other driver, Matt stopped the bus about midway and turned on the hazard lights. He proceeded to tell us how more and more folks were staring into the tunnel, trying to figure out what to do. After a minute or so, (it seemed longer) Matt put the bus in gear and began backing up! Then he slammed on the brakes and said the tour company was looking for drivers, if anyone wanted to apply. When the bus finally emerged on the other side, Matt stopped to ask some of the people if we were on the right road to Mt. Rushmore. The people were tourists and had no idea if it was the right road or not. Matt certainly made a LONG day memorable with his tales, facts, and shenanigans. 

My photo of a tour bus going thru the same 
tunnel in August 2006.
I am standing where the folks in the previous
photo are standing. I was also gawking!

The Eye of the Needle from the bus window

It definitely was a Road Trip

A stop at Crazy Horse

We geocached

Our final stop: Mt. Rushmore
always majestic

Then I saw the Scooby Doo slippers on a young man,
maybe college age
A good end to a LONG day.

1 comment:

  1. Giggles.........OMG........the bus! Love the slippers, good eye Coleen.


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