Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Home for the Next Two Months

It has been two weeks since we moved into our 25' travel trailer from our home of 41 years. It has been a week and a half since we moved into our space at the campground in Sioux Falls. This is home for the next two months.

a picnic table, enough space for the rug and a couple of chairs
and all the amenities to make it a comfortable stay

the street to the north
our little unit among the "big" ones

the street to the south

resident wildlife
one in the upper left
one in the lower right

free entertainment

the one potted plant I had all summer
I brought it along

something chewed off the one flower
and tore it apart and left it on the grass

I saw him/her on the table the other day
I know who did it!

checking for goodies under the RVs

as I said...free entertainment

birds I have not seen before or know 

dark heads and speckled bodies

We feel we have recovered from moving boxes. We are settled in the camper. We know the necessary stores in the area. I have weekly coffee with a friend. I have found a library book club. We are back to geocaching. Life is good.


  1. It must feel good to breath easy now. Sit back and enjoy life again without the stress for awhile! Hugs

  2. I wonder if the birds are immature or juvenile starlings.


Thanks for your comments!