Friday, August 24, 2018

River Fest

We are not newbies to our new home city; we have been coming here for years long before our son  and his wife moved to Sioux Falls. Once grandchildren came along, the 100 mile trips were more frequent. One of the exciting pieces of moving to a new city is participating in the opportunities, especially free ones, to learn about and appreciate our new city of residence. The kids invited us to join them last Saturday at River Fest, a free event along the river in downtown Sioux Falls.

Big Sioux River

no swimming, but kayaks and canoes are allowed

canoe rides were available

crowds in the food court area, early in the evening

the brave one trying a game

walking the pedestrian bridge...

to get to the music venue
bands played for about an hour throughout the event
food lines were VERY long
a lovely evening to be out doors

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