Monday, August 5, 2019

Blog Post #1450

I was surprised to realize this blog post is a milestone, in a way. I started blogging when we retired. It was a way of staying in touch with family and a friends using photos and not just words. A way of sharing our winter activities and life style with those living the  winters of  the north country. A way of sharing a newsy letter with more than one person. (I was never all that good at writing letters.)

Some of my family members read the blog. Our kids don't. As we met more and more people on our travels and at our winter residence, my audience grew. That was a surprise to me.

Once I started writing my life story and then mentoring others to write their life story, blogging has sort of taken the place of writing my stories. (I will continue writing my life stories at some point.)

Then grandchildren appeared in our lives and blogging was a great way to brag and share this awesome stage of our lives.

Then health issues came with our ages and again, posting on the blog became a way of working through the acceptance of heart issues and cancer, of joint replacements and broken bones, and the other health ailments. A way of staying in touch with the folks we know and care about; a way of saying in spite of...we are okay.

Because of the blog, I am more conscious of the quality and creativity of my photos. I try to be more creative in the topics I choose. I try to be a better writer, speller and grammatision. (I know. That is not a word. But it should be.) I am not perfect and appreciate not knowing about all my errors.

Hubby and I enjoy traveling. Blogging is an avenue for sharing our adventures without boring you with my travel books, powerpoint programs, or before that...slideshows. Sometimes, a photo or destination reminds you of a place you have been or brings you to some place new.

And then there is our geocaching adventures. I share those just so you all know we don't sit around twiddling' our thumbs. We do get out and about and see some very interesting places because of geocaching.

So to those of you who are faithful followers and readers, I thank you. Whether you check in more often than I post, I appreciate your comments and your faithfulness. And because of you, there just might be a blog post #1500.


  1. I love this post. Congrats on #1450. Keep plugging along, I sure enjoy it. We do ours mainly for ourselves and it being a personal journal. Whenever we can't remember something we say "just look back at the blog". Hugs


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