Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Producing Garden

My little raised garden bed holds three different tomato plants and a cucumber plant.

The cucumber plant is not looking so good as the leaves at the bottom of the plant are drying up. I was so pleased to have a trellis and to have trained the plant earlier to find the trellis and grow upward.

There are the beginnings of two cucumbers, but I don't imagine they will reach their 8 inch maturity length.

Two of the three tomato plants are producing. The third plant is just now getting flowers. Maybe there will be yellow tomatoes 65 days from now!!!

grape tomatoes

The first tomatoes of the season. YUM!

The city or county came in one day last week and mowed the gully. Unfortunately, he cut all the milkweed plants. The wild roses are also gone, but they will come back next year. So will the milkweed plants, but in the mean time, the monarchs have lost their nesting and food source. I got so used to the tall grasses and weeds, it looks bare!!!

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