Friday, June 12, 2020

A Day with the Granddaughter

Miss W got her overnight stay earlier this week. Interesting how hard it was to find two consecutive days when it worked for her family and for us. Guess that means we are moving around a little bit more, but still practicing safe measures because of covid-19.

The two of us had started a hot game of Monopoly when she and her brother stayed overnight the week before. I promised to keep the game up and we'd continue when she had her overnight stay.

the hot game continues

baking those chocolate chip cookies
using math skills to double the recipe
watching TV while dropping cookies

playing a creative game with G'pa
she's describing the carriage she would ride

We had taken the two of them geocaching last week when they stayed. She wanted to go again, so we found a little series with different hiding places and different containers.

reading the GPS, trying to get to ground zero

not having a lot of luck
so I helped and walked right up to it
love when that happens!

yep, wearing flip-flops
walking on the rocks
found the pink container

yep! it is in there
but a special tool of the trade (TOTT) was needed
to retrieve it

that is one BIG spider!
and she got to use the TOTT

putting the spider back in its hiding place

then it was off to a cemetery

the Minnehaha County Cemetery (no sign)
some of those buried here are wards of the state

they weren't having any luck
so once again, I came to the rescue

her reward for the day
and she was happy with that

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  1. Who won the game?
    Finding that spider would have freaked me out!
    Love your adventures and hearing about your time spent with the youngins'


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