Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Iowa Adventure Wrap-up

I had intended to get this post ready for posting before the end of July, but as things have a way of happening, it didn't. Since camping and caching appear to be our only trips and adventures this summer, I want to share the end result of the July trip before I start posting the August one, as we also have plans for a September excursion.

This is what the map of counties in Iowa looked like before the trip.

we have geocached in 32 of the 99 counties

our west IA camping spot

all the yellow outdoor furniture was on the site

plus we had our own fire pit and chairs AND a grill

we rarely used the patio because of the smell and our long, busy days

another interesting tidbit found only because of geocaching
Oldest Man to Serve in the Civil War
So how old was he????

Curtis King served in the 37th IA Infantry
he died in July 1863
he was 80 years old

tallest corn stalk on record
(metal replica at the Washington County Fair Grounds)

not only is that a TALL stalk of corn, but we had an interesting time
trying to get to the corn stalk...only 4-Hers were allowed onto the fairgrounds
because of Covid-19, but when I pleaded my case of traveling from SD to
see the tallest corn stalk, a security person 'led us to the building, stayed with us 
as we took our photos, and then escorted us off the fairgrounds' as protocol 
for the county achievement days

an interesting structure at the edge of a cornfield
(notice the bit of white at the top?)

age 90! WOW! 

a bird nest in the wheel hub
hundreds and hundreds of metal wheel rims in the sculpture

and a large white teddy bear at the top of the three-sided sculpture
and another unusual, interesting find because of geocaching

and our campsite on the east side of IA
next to a race track
needless to say, we didn't spend any time outside here either!

after spending 4 days climbing down into and back up out of 
steep IA ditches, Hubby created a tool to help him
it saved his legs and knees!

one of our accomplishments working on the east side of IA

and this was the other!
from 32 counties to 57

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1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a great blog full of adventure! Loved that campsite with the bumblebee furniture, all those additional counties, that amazing corn stalk with the barn quilt and Curts engineering! Life Is Good


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