Monday, July 23, 2012

More Baby Pictures

The new family member came home on Sunday afternoon, about 36 hours after arriving into this world, so different from his big sister's birth.

Big sister was very curious and had to be right on top of Mommy and baby. 

It is so hard being two years old. 
This was one of her melt-downs. 
There will be more, I am sure...

 Not surprising, Marek spent most of yesterday afternoon sleeping...
until it was time for everyone to go to bed...

This morning (Monday) he had his eyes open long enough to get some pictures.

 We each got some special bonding time with him.

A little sweetie!

These pictures will be it for awhile. 
But I have lots of Willa pictures...

1 comment:

  1. AAAAAAAAAAH. Precious sweet photos of wee baby boy. I could see Miss Willa in the photo where baby has his eyes open. Beautiful baby boy!


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