Saturday, March 9, 2013

Night Geocaching

If you are a follower or a frequent visitor to my blog you know we keep quite busy at our winter community, or senior camp, as one resident calls the resort. But just to give you an idea...
last Saturday: put together the new potato dish for later, card making class at 9:00 AM, pot luck breakfast gathering at 10:00, and then met home town friends at 4:00 for food and conversation. Sunday: church in the AM, Skyping with kids at noon, preparing for hiking party in afternoon, and hiking end-of-year BBQ & program at 4:00. Monday: resort meeting at 9, hiking meeting at 9:30, and afternoon of geocaching. Tuesday: pedicure in the AM, writing class at 12:45 and then resort Cinco de Marcho party at 3:00, party continued until almost 8:00 PM. Wednesday: cleaned house in AM, two meetings in the afternoon, trip to the grocery store. Thursday: finished reading a book in the AM, Red Hat meeting at 1:30, cook dinner (as I did every other night), and then 6:30 PM...gather for night geocaching instead of book club via Skype. Friday: geocaching once rain stopped and after a 'cooked' breakfast, home about 4:30, made dinner, resort variety (talent) show at 7:00 PM. Saturday:  card making class at 9:00 AM and then...who knows what will happen. Next week looks much the same because of two Red Hat social events. I really do go back home in the summer to rest.

So the Night Geocaching event...Sherry wanted to do something special for her 500th geocache find. She asked some of geocaching club members if they would take her & hubby Jon, on a night cache. Since Hubby and I have not night cached, we were invited to go along. Thus a new adventure...

Eleven cachers gathered as dusk was arriving. Three caches were on the agenda. With flashlights and GPSs in hand we piled into 3 vehicles and headed out. It was dark when we arrived at the first destination.

Flash lights and head lamps

The GPS coordinates led us to an electrical pole.
That is where the adventure began. Our only clue was
we needed a 9 volt battery to complete the multi-challenge.

Hey! Let me see!
The testosterone was at work.

Notice who is holding the GPS devices?

This was OUR role, stay out of the way!

FINALLY, the guys agreed, Sherry should get 
to be a part of the lead 'cause it was her event.

Notice the reflecting pieces on the tree?
The reflectors told us we were at the correct location
for the next step in our first night caching challenge.

Although the guys arrived first, they did 'allow' Sherry
to look for the cache and did not find it for her.

Here's a clue? What does it mean?

Put the new numbers in the GPS. Re-calculate. Do all the GPSs
have the same coordinates?

Tacks. A different kind of reflector.

It is amazing how easily the reflectors are seen
in the dark with just flash lights. Of course, it
helps if you are able to shine the light ahead
of you, instead of at your feet to see where you are going!

Sherry found the third set of number clues. There was some 
discussion as to whether or not it was correct.

It has to be right cause the red lights light up.

At last, the final cache. Good job Sherry!

Sherry logged first, then the rest of us signed in.
It truly was a group effort.

Jon & Sherry posing with their special sign.

Jim organizing the group photo.
Arranging and getting all eleven into the photo before
the camera tipped
the timer ran out
legs got cramps
the flashlights were turned off
was as much fun as finding the cache.

On the way back to the cars, I noticed these itty bitty
ground daisy-like flowers.

All three night caches were discovered. 
Despite the level of Testostrone on display,
I enjoyed using (finding) the different kinds of
reflectors and tagging along to find the caches. 

And a special Thanks to Sherry for wanting to do
a night cache and inviting us along.

Congrats on #500!

1 comment:

  1. Coleen, thank you for documenting this very fun adventure we had. When can we do it again!!?? Sherry


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