Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Miss W Graduates!

I have an opinion about graduations prior to high school and college. My first teaching job was kindergarten in a small school. The retiring teacher had kindergarten graduation. I did not. Instead, the five and six year olds invited their mothers (and others) to a Mother's Day program where they sang the songs they had learned, recited nursery rhymes, and other cute kindergarten activities to make a parent happy and a grandparent proud. My opinion has not changed.

Last week we were invited to Miss W's preschool, end of the year program. We wouldn't miss it! Miss W's daddy was so self-conscious in front of an audience at her age. Hard to believe, I know, but he was. So it is a joy to watch his very animated daughter 'perform.' But before we get to Miss W, I have to share photos of Mcbe.

He greeted us at the church wearing this awesome sport coat and shirt. Aunt Hilary loves shopping for clothes for these two. It has taken the pressure off Grandma!

Mcbe was also the little guy who did not talk much. OH MY, has THAT changed! He talks non-stop. Here he is sitting on Grandpa's lap telling him something really important.

Momma videoing the program for Daddy who was 
out-ot-town for work

singing "Six Little Ducks"
...with the feathers on their back...

one of Aunt Hilary's B-Day gift to Miss W
the dress with matching tights, the hair bow, the boots
and later you will see the coat
Absolutely Darling!

story about monkeys and an alligator

acted out story/book "Caps for Sale" 

aaahhh, the construction paper graduation caps

with a colored yarn tassel

proudly holding her preschool certificate

It was fun to hear the same songs and rhymes I taught five and six-year-olds 44 years ago, and the same books and stories. Some of the OLD standards are still the best and have survived time. Miss Sue, the teacher and only teacher, the program has had, is retiring this year. I wonder if next year's program will be similar???

After the 20 minute program, Miss W went shopping with Grandma. I had promised a doll, princess doll, of her choosing, for her birthday. She was ready to select the doll. Grandpa said we should stop for ice cream after the shopping trip. So we did.

the blue coat for the outfit
so dang cute!

Miss W and Elsa

We did have a discussion about what she wanted in a change clothes, to play with her brother, to whatever... She had her heart set on this one, so Grandma caved, but so would have Grandpa. You are only 5 years old once.

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