Thursday, December 2, 2021

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas...

 We did not pull out the Christmas lights and decorations right after Thanksgiving, but did earlier this week as we did not have anything on the agenda. So this is outdoor Christmas decorating from our little house in the desert.

If you click on the photo to enlarge it, you might be able to read the outdoor thermometer. If you can't quite read it, just take my word for it reading between 85º and 90º. The evening news said the airport high was 85º on December 1. That is about 15º-20º above normal.

This is the 'back' door to our tiny house. I think the decor has been the same for a number of years.

The barb wire saguaro got some new decorations this year. The glass balls I added last year, blew off, lost their paint, and one or two broke. I needed a new plan for this year.

I found the red and black plaid bow at Walmart. Then to my delight, I found red and black plaid fabric ornaments at Dollar Tree. Even if they only last this season, I'm okay with spending $5.

This side of the deck is for the neighbor's benefit.

I used to hand the fabric stockings on the outdoor tree, but decided to put them on the garland this year. Something different.

The deck tree with the red pepper lights and the patio door with grand and stockings.

This little tree was an indoor tree in previous years. I found the spool of holly leaves and berries and decided the tree could use some pretty. The painted rock was a souvenir from geocaching last week.

This makes the fourth tree on the deck. All four are small. This one has been around for a number of years, too.

Christmas Decor 2020

Indoor decor on another post. I tried to change it up a wee bit, too. And to end the first day of December and to start the last month of this year, some desert sunset photos.

1 comment:

  1. Such pretty and festive decor! I recognize that rock and will remember our outing everytime I display mine. Merry Christmas!


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