Saturday, June 1, 2024

A Trip to Pollock

 I spent some time in Pollock last week. I visited my mother in her "new to her" nursing home and got to spend some time with my oldest brother. Both visits were good. 

I love being back in the area where I spent my first almost six years as a child. The rolling hills along the Missouri River in the north central part of the state are a spiritual place for me, especially in the spring when the vibrant greens are at their best. I love the drive along Highway 1804 from the ND border to Mobridge. Photos do not do justice, so there aren't any. 

It was the hedge of lilac bushes at the city campground that brought out the camera.

the smell was intoxicating

the bees were busy

lilac flower buds

not certain the name of this bush 
but the flowers were pretty

white lilacs bushes, but not as many as the purple bushes

the bees chased me away from this area

I wish the smell came through the computer

the fern peony at my mother's house
the flowers were on the downside of their peak

Pollock Bay
the area between Lake Picasso and the Missouri River


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