Monday, June 24, 2024

The Falls after 12+ Inches of Rain

 Today (Sunday) like many other Sioux Falls residents and visitors, we stopped at The Falls to see the rush of water cascading down the Sioux River that usually meanders through the city of Sioux Falls. From Saturday to Saturday we have emptied about 12 inches of rain, 8 of which fell Thursday through Saturday.

The first two photos were posted on Facebook by the Tea Area Storm Chasers with photo credit to Erik Burns.

the Falls two weeks ago 
photo taken from the Tower Observation Deck

photo taken on Saturday (06/22/24)
also taken from the Tower 
Observation Deck

Now some of my photos taken today, Sunday June 23, 2024

notice the woman picking up trash on the river hillside

so much visible debris as the water recedes

a lower level observation platform still under water and closed

this photo is for comparison to a previous photo from May 5, 2020

the blue lego caught my eye as I walked to the pedestrian bridge

notice all the branches along the side of the 
observation platform

The following photos are from May 5, 2020 when friends (Jon & Sherry) stopped in Sioux Falls on their way to northern MN. 

a much lower water level in May 2020

definitive waterfalls at The Falls

notice the water level below the old power house
compared to the photo from today

compared this photo to the first of my photos on Sunday

flowers from Sunday's visit to The Falls

Curt took this video from the Tower Observation Deck. Click on The Falls to watch his video.

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