Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Where Are We?

 After more than a year we are back to one of our favorite camping spots. We stopped at Al's Oasis for an early lunch on Sunday and were surprised to see the changes at this iconic business. There has been some major remodeling in the three or so businesses that are part of Al's Oasis. Now customers walk through the candy store and the gift shop to reach the restrooms, which were in dire need of an upgrade. Sneaky business concept to have all the customers now walk through two stores before dining.

An even bigger surprise was to have our meals delivered to our dining area by a robot! It rolled into the small dining area, backed up to the counter, and waited for the staff to remove the plates of food. Then it turned and rolled through the larger dining room back to the kitchen area, startling more than one customer as the robot came towards them. Good entertainment and our food was hot!

glimpse of the South Dakota Badlands

geocaching stop in Wall

World's Largest Jackalope

Dahl's Chainsaw Art in Wall

(and in Keystone)

seeing some sites in downtown Wall

and a walk-through of Wall Drug
with no shopping
not even ice cream!

our destination for the week


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