Saturday, June 15, 2024

While We Were Gone...

 This is an update on the garden plants and flower bed.

the tomato plants grew!

every plant has blossoms

two of the four plants have tomatoes
The tomato plants have never looked so good and healthy. I watched several videos this year about planting tomatoes and the two tips I used seem to have made a difference. I am far. The plants got another shot of fertilizer and hopefully some more rain this weekend.

the cucumbers have also grown

I got them 'tied' so they will climb the trellis. There are lots of blossoms and numerous itty bitty cucumbers. A huge improvement over last summer when the blossoms did not produce a single cucumber!

I don't know if the marigolds helped or if I just got lucky with the starter plants I bought. Whatever the reason, the first cucumber will go to the neighbor for watering while we were playing in the Black Hills. He will get it before July 4th! It was about 2 inches long on Friday when I took the photo.

the mint and basil 

This is how everything looked on the June 2nd post: The Garden, the Flowers & the Perennial Flower Bed

I have tried for many years to grow poppies. I planted two last year and one survived the winter (and lack of snow cover). I was trilled to see a bud when I checked it on Tuesday.

The wild roses between my flower bed and the neighbors potato patch are doing very well. Even if I did not get photos while in the Black Hills, there's wild roses here at home.

bugs were busy on this flower

The daisies did not reemerge in the perennial bed, but this lovely bunch is growing in the ditch behind our townhouses. It wasn't there last year.

The poppy bud one day later. It should open this weekend! Yippee!

the poppy on Friday afternoon

the tag from this perennial is long gone
but it came back

pretty flowers

I threw of box of bird and butterfly flower seeds along the edge of the perennial bed. Some of those flowers and numerous milk weed plants are growing. That bed needs some serious attention as the grass and thistles are also growing, but high 80ºs and 90º is just too warm to be pulling weeds. I will get it cleaned up as it appears the city mowers are leaving the area alone. Woo Hoo!

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