Monday, June 10, 2024

More from Custer

 The drive to Custer on Friday was for

 1) geocaching 

2) burgers 

3) pie

and in that order. After visiting the Gordon Stockade we drove along Main Street looking for the burger place where we ate several years ago. Guess what? It is now a pizza joint. So we walked until we found the Buglin' Bull for Hubby's burger and my Rueben. Yummy food, but way too much.

these two cats watched me eat

the first jail in Custer
Wilbur Todd the builder of the jail was its first occupant, having gotten drunk and disorderly on the money paid to him by the city for completing the job.

window was too small and barred too well to see inside

there was a Fort Custer, but nothing remains 
just a sign noting its location and purpose

a drive by look at the progress on the Crazy Horse Monument

geocaching virtual reward

The city of Custer has bison statues on street corners. I had not seen this one before. 

this one is my favorite

Our very best geocache find today was this one. Well hidden. Found by Hubby.

Custer once was home to the Flintstone Village
also the location of that very sneaky geocache hide

Sometime this afternoon I reached 30,800 geocache finds!

then it was pie time

resident mascot

Strawberry-Rhubarb pie
our reward for the day of geocaching

Mount Rushmore drive by on the way to Hart Ranch

we're not in St. Louis!

entrance to the closed Sitting Bull Crystal Cave

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