Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hiking the Barnhardt Trail

Curt joined a small group of hikers on Wednesday who traveled up north to cooler country. George led the hike, assuring the group, "it was one of the most beautiful hikes in AZ!" George also promised waterfalls. And once again George and the 31 inches of snow up north, came through.

*For the CVHC, sorry for the repeat of photos from Han's blog post, but neerer, neerer, neerer, Hans did not get as far as the waterfalls.

**For my other blog readers, enjoy the scenery 65 miles north of Canyon Vistas.

 Barnhardt Trail, 6.37 mile hike
1.5 hour drive; 5 hour hike

 Colorful rocks and running water

 Hiking at least 100' above the stream on the canyon floor

 Debbie, Dana, George, Katie & Jerry
taking a break & enjoying the view

 Dainty, high country flowers

 Higher along the canyon ridge

 Old Slow Hans on the trail

 Mountain views

 George, Katie & Jerry rock climbing

Desert Paint
the black is a natural path for falling water

 1227' elevation gain (5672')
2070' total ascent

  Twin falls collecting in a pool

 Katie at the waterfall

 Jerry at the waterfall

 20' to 30' waterfall

 Interesting white speckled rocks

 30' to 40' waterfall

 To see more of this unusual geological formation, check out 
Han's blog post:  Old Slow Hans

The hikers bowing to George, thanking him for an excellent 
destination on a warm spring day. This hike will be on the 
schedule next year!

1 comment:

  1. Oooooohs and Ahhhhhhhhhhs as I looked at the photos, beautiful, and a giggle at the end of the blog with the bowing to George


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