Monday, November 19, 2012

Hummingbird Feeder Update

We had a cold spell late last week. I had hoped it sent all the bees into hibernation or migration. On Monday I mixed some sugar water solution and after rubbing Skin So Soft all over the base, I filled the feeder and hung it next to the deck. I wanted to be able to observe if the hummingbirds did return after a feeder absence of several days. And I wanted to see if the bees hung around.

The hummers did indeed return. I think the first visitor was a female, but she was gone before I could grab the camera. On Thursday I had the camera ready as I sat outside reading.

This one sat on the brace for a long time. He allowed me to get quite close and snap many photos until the battery died. I was trying to decide if this was the Alpha hummer. His head feathers were scruffy looking until I realized when he rested he puffed his feathers. When he is flying, the feathers are close to the body and sleek. (Learned something that afternoon.)

It took several shots to get one with his beak in the hole. It helped that he was sitting on the perch and not fluttering.

This feeder was easiest to apply the SOS. It does not have any yellow on it as I heard this was the color the bees liked. A friend painted all the yellow parts of their feeder red. The bees aren't bothering it now. I'm afraid spraying the others would clog the holes. Another friend suggested finger nail polish. I hope the bees are gone and it doesn't become an issue until spring.

Then lo and behold...

Three hummers at the same time alighted and drank from the feeder. That was a first! And it was two males and a female. I doubt either male was the Alpha male as I saw him chase several other hummers away that afternoon. I'm not sure I will see that again, but I sure am glad I had the camera and captured it that afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Patience is a true virture. Good for you Coleen to sit, watch and observe!


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