Monday, November 5, 2012

The Saga of the Hummingbirds

One of the first things I did after getting settled was to put sugar water in the hummingbird feeder and put it out on the post. The birds are so entertaining. I wasn't sure how long it would take for the little guys to find the feeder, but it took less than 24 hours. By the time Daughter arrived the birds were coming often and providing lots of delightful moments on the deck.

This is a female Ruby Throated

This guy spent a lot of time at the feeder.
He thought it was his own personal feeding station.
He did not share. He guarded it.
We knew it was the same bird because of the out of place 
feather on his head. 

He guarded from the back feeding station.

He guarded from the yucca plant. 
On a rare occasion a second hummingbird was allowed 
in the area. There is one on each side of the yucca leaves.

After watching the Alpha Hummingbird for a few days
I decided to buy a second feeder, hanging it in the posts
in the back of the yard. I didn't think he could monitor two
feeders.  Again, it did not take long for the birds to find the new
sugar water feeder.
Look  at the beautiful green feathers!

He still did not share well. He continued to guard the feeders,
dive bombing whenever another hummer flew to either feeder.
I tried to get a picture of the hummers fight flight, 
but they move way too fast. You will just have to take my word.

So I bought a third feeder.

 The hummers found it.

On rare occasions one gets to drink from it
before it is chased away.

This is still my favorite feeder. 
But now the bees have found it, too.

One of the times I was bird watching I caught one of the 
hummers singing and got it on video! 
The photography is not that great, but if you turn the
volume on high, you should hear the little guy telling the world
who is in charge.

I am easy to entertain!

More about our winged visitors in another post.

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