Saturday, December 3, 2016

This One is for YOU, Mom

I got an email from my Mom this morning, London time, that said she didn't see any pictures of her granddaughter in the posts so far. So today the 3 of us toured Westminster Abbey this morning and the Tower of London this afternoon. I made a point of taking photos of us. So Mom...this post is just for you!

Big Ben and Parliament Buildings

door dating back to the 13th century

door to the abbey library

ready to hit the souvenir shop

waiting for the Tube

walking around the tower

see the elephant in the background?

Hubby next to the armored horses

London Tower Bridge

OFD talked about eating at the Slug and Lettuce for MANY years.
Today we made a point of going to one of their several locations.

It was worth it.
Good food. Excellent beverage.

Us older folks are tired tonight. We were back to the hotel by 5:30. Walking on paved stone floors this morning and afternoon makes for tired feet and sore backs. There may be a second post of today's sites...

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