Friday, November 26, 2010

Hiking at Saguaro Lake

I went along with the hiking group this morning. My intention was to walk along the trail to a point where there are fist-sized rocks and some climbing and then I would turn back and take pictures. Well, I got to a point earlier than that where I wished I'd had my hiking stick; I didn't. So I spent most of my time walking around the parking lot area and watching the people and the birds. The people and birds will be later posts. First, Saguaro Lake...

Saguaro Lake is one of three lakes created along the 
Salt River when Roosevelt Dam was built to supply 
water to central Arizona in the early 1900s.

31 hikers braved the 42º this morning to walk
along the banks of Saguaro Lake.

Bright blue water and a cloudless blue sky
It may look like a quiet morning at the lake,
but that was not the case as tomorrow's post
will show some of the activity.

Some of the many saguaros along the lake's hillsides.

It wouldn't be an AZ picture without them!

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