Monday, November 29, 2010

Birds at Saguaro Lake

I wasn't just people watching last Friday at Saguaro Lake, the birds also caught my attention.

 A couple of cardinals were flitting amongst the bushes

 The mallards were flocked together near the shore

 There were many of these black ducks with white beaks on the lake
 This blackbird or crow was not one bit shy.
I sat on a stump eating my orange watching the
kayakers launch. I think he was expecting a morsel. NOT!

 While I was waiting for the group and eating some of my snacks,
I was surrounded by 15 or so blackbirds. Probably waiting for me 
to drop something or toss any leftovers.
The females have a pretty, shiny, brown, feathered breast.

This woodpecker was quite entertaining.

1 comment:

  1. I was ooooouing and aaaaawing at each photo, great shots Coleen. You had a great time all by yourself.


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