Friday, January 28, 2011

Another Intruder

I noticed earlier this week another intruder had made an appearance in our neighborhood.
 Lots of feathers were scattered around the hoses of the neighbor's RV.

 Yes, lots of doves and other birds do visit the feeders, but this was too many feathers concentrated in one small area.

 This evidence implied something caught one of the doves...

as the only thing left was feathers. Maybe the hawk that visited last month? Or a sneaky coyote? Not a javelina as they are herbivores. An unsolved mystery...

And how many of you think it must be so boring down here??? Look at all the excitement just this week!

1 comment:

  1. Coleen,

    Our neighbor across the way told us he has seen a bobcat twice cross the road just in front of our trailer. The 2nd time the cat had a rabbit in his mouth! Could be your culprit....

    Debbie Kirke


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