Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tuesday: The Plan and Reality

Tuesday's Plan: Get to the zoo this morning before it gets too warm; revisit the animals and places she enjoyed last fall; kill time until lunch time; then afternoon nap and some down time for the adults.

Reality: Running through the zoo took 45 minutes max.

I thought she would enjoy watching the bear
sit at the table and eat.
She did for 5 seconds.

Time out for a drink break.

A ride on the merry-go-round

The baby goats and big goats did not hold the fascination
they did last year.

She saw the playground and wanted to go back.

She watched an older boy walk up the slide.
After three tries, she had it down to a T.
Walked up backwards and the sat down for the ride down.

She watched two 5 year-old girls swing on the big swings.
After they left, she asked G'pa to swing in them.

She did.

Enough time was killed with the zoo and playground to halt for lunch and a trip through the car wash. Then it was afternoon naps for EVERYONE! After naps...

G'ma found the box of sidewalk chalk.
Brand new, begging to be used chalk.

She understood chalk was to be used like crayons.

She added the legs and feet to the smiley face.

Even G'pa got into the chalk time.

She goes home tomorrow.


  1. 'she goes home tomorrow'...are we happy about this or not? Looks like she's having a great time!

  2. They sure know how to wear you out, don't they!


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