Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Quick trip to Canada

Last Tuesday we drove north of Seattle on I-5 to grab a couple of geocaches in Canada...our first. On the way we stopped to see our CV neighbors and have breakfast with them.

there was a geocache at the border
both sides of the border

beautiful blue and pink hydrangeas on the same plant/bush

heading through customs

believe it or not, our officers on both sides knew
about geocaching

Oh, Canada...

we went to this community and grabbed 4 

White Rock was a tourist destination
LOTS of people at the beach

back across the border 45 minutes later
hey...we got to use our Passports!
this wire sculpture greeted us in WA

a nice view of Mt. Baker in northern Washington

We drove back north of Seattle on Wednesday to geocache. We were in a farm country. Lots of irrigation and quite the variety of crops; everything from hay & corn to fruits & vegetables.

broccoli or cauliflower



1 comment:

  1. Hello there, greetings from your Canadian friends. That was a QUICK trip! We have seen the metal sculpture many a time. That's funny.....there and back!!


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