Monday, February 25, 2013

Sunday with Little Red

We decided to spend the day with Little Red in an area east of here. It was a windy, cool day to be out and about geocaching. No treacherous mountain roads on this trip, just desert geocaching. Added 32 to our totals.

This cow took an interest in Little Red when we looked
for a cache in her territory. Luckily, she was just a looker.

We don't often have a full view of the Superstition Mts.
from this angle. The desert is so green right now.

It looked like storm clouds were moving in, but we didn't 
get any rain or any other weather contained in the clouds.
Three ranges in this shot.

This is a cholla forest.

These guys were also curious about the strangers in their midst.

Didn't see many flowers today, but I did capture
these ground flowers.

Spring can NOT be far behind.
Temps back to the 70s later in the week.

There are buds on the long leafed plant on the right.
I am sure I took pictures of one last year, but I do not 
know the name of it, or the color of its flower.
I will have to identify the flowers as they begin to bloom.

1 comment:

  1. Photo of 3 ranges.......magnificent, soft colours. Cows........funny!!!!
    Nice shots Coleen.


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