Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The First Potluck of the Winter

This is one of a couple of catch-up posts. In mid-January we attended the North Central States' Potluck hosted by Mary & Moe of Idaho and Jerry & Linda of SD. Idaho? A North Central State? Well, it doesn't have a coast, so doesn't fit with the West Coast group. Actually the North Central group is for all the states that do not fit or get invited to the other state group potlucks. (CO, WY, MT, ID, UT, NV, SD & ND)

I organized the first SD potluck several years ago, maybe 2007. We had a good gathering of about 20 people. The next year SD and ND had their potluck together. Again, a good group for the two states. Then I got pretty involved in the cancer week activities and decided to let someone else do the organizing for the potluck. Janice of ND did for a several years before passing it along to someone else.

The last few years we have been asked to bring an item produced in our state for a door prize. I donated a bottle of Old West BBQ Sauce and a package of Dutchman sunflower seeds.

This was NOT my donation, but I thought it worthy of a photo.

Hubby is the proud owner of a new dishtowel from ND. 
Yes, he'll use it. 
I cook. 
He does the dishes, during the winter.

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