Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bird Visitors

It is spring and mating season for the doves and other birds who take up residence at CV during the winter season. There have been some unusual visitors at our house the last two days.

This feathered friend was my first visitor. He attached himself to the screen door of the deck. I did not have the camera right beside me but in the cabinet below the TV and next to the open door. I was able to move around, get the camera and take several pictures before the little fellow flew away.

Then a couple of doves landed on the deck railing. The first one really puffed his/her feathers and was generally ignored by the second. After a while he/she settled down and quietly watched me take pictures.

This afternoon two Gamber quails were walking on our patio. I grabbed the camera, but they moved to the shade of the neighbor's truck. I got their picture before they moved on. The quail don't usually come this far into the resort. They stay along the desert fence line where food is more plentiful.

It was good entertainment while it all lasted!


  1. Wondered for a moment if this entry was "G" rated ... :)

  2. The photo of the bird on the screen is really the spread of the feathers. Good job Coleen.


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