Wednesday, October 12, 2016

#9 on the 16 State GeoAdventure

a side trip of about a hundred miles into the northwest
corner of Alabama

logging country
we saw trucks hauling utility pole logs

one of a very few trees showing fall colors

visited the older part of a cemetery
born 1807

born 1818

born 1809

once an elementary school
now a community center

community storm shelter
next to the volunteer fire station & the community center

Lamar County

definitely Republican country
or maybe they are the ones who placed the signs

once a country gas station and country store
now a thrift shop & consignment store

Then it was back to Mississippi and a surprise in Tupalo. That will be a separate post later in the week. Always fun to 'stumble across' something really fun & interesting. Heading north and state #10.

1 comment:

  1. Have not been to Alabama, very interesting photos. Waiting for the surprise!


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