Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The OTHER Reasons for Visiting STL

Once we finalized the 16 State GeoAdventure, Hubby looked for some interesting geocaching opportunities. I added a "wish" to his list by wanting at least 10 caches in the states we visited and 100 caches in a couple of them.  We did not get 10 in all of them, but we did get 100 in three of them.

We got out in the countryside in Illinois last week. The soybeans are still in the fields. The corn is off. Most country roads are paved around here. The country roads do not run in a mile grid like they do in our part of the country.

We saw more mules and donkeys than we did horses. Not a lot of cattle, mostly crop land where we were driving.

these two came running to the fence to see what we were doing

alpacca, I think

they both had a haircut and were very curious

this is what we accomplished in Illinois

Monday we geocached in northeast Missouri, along the Mississippi River. If we thought the roads didn't run straight in IL, they REALLY didn't run straight in this part of MO! The main highway curved this way and that, and the off shoot, mostly paved, roads seemed to run northeast, southwest, etc. I was totally confused in my directions and my whereabouts, even with a compass on the truck. The farmers were harvesting the soybeans, lots of dirt in the air along with the 30 mph winds we were experiencing.

We put about 200 miles on to complete the geo-art. 

glad we weren't towing the trailer

at the St. Charles airport, out in the country

this and many little planes tied down 

I saw a bald eagle flying in the field next to us, but I was driving and the camera wasn't in my hand. It was a beautiful sight and helped ease some of Monday's caching frustration with the roads and miles. 

and MO's geoart

Missions accomplished!

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