Monday, October 10, 2016

State #7 of the 16 State GeoAdventure

home of parishes, not counties
State #7

From Magnolia AR to Junction City AR, by way of Haynesville, Homer, and Bernice we covered about 100 miles and completed our 'tour' of Louisiana. The countryside looked very much like what we had seen in eastern & southeastern Arkansas...forests.

We stopped in Haynesville. Small town, but two murals along Main Street brightened the landscape.

Then onto Homer, about 20 miles south.

This wind chime was a cemetery geocache. The non-geocacher (muggle) would see it and hear it and think...that is cool. The geocacher would see it and hear it and THAT is cool. I ma just 'borrow' this idea.

Bernice LA claim to fame is the Corney Creek Calaboose.

The person who placed the cache said, " This jail has been here circa forties and has held many a rascal.

My mother remembers as a little girl that one day, as she was passing by, the town drunk in the  jail was yelling at her. He was saying, Sister come here, Sister I need ya, but she was scared and ran away.

Today the calaboose is just a historic reminder of the past."

Hubby found the cache so he did not have to stay in the calaboose in Bernice.

Last stop in Louisiana was Junction City, another community that straddles the state line.

Another successful cache Arkansas. We got back on the road and headed to Mississippi by way of southeast Arkansas. Nothing very exciting on this little road trip except...a new state for geocaching!

1 comment:

  1. Who would have thought some years back that you and Curt would be all over the country sides of the US of A. I for one, did not!!!


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