Tuesday, October 11, 2016

State #8 of the 16 State GeoAdventure

State #8

We traveled across Mississippi from west to east, spending Sunday and Monday nights in different communities.

Delta Riverboat Welcome Center

Leland MS, birthplace of Kermit the Frog

and boyhood home of Jim Henson

museum was closed

HUGE Dollar General Warehouse
started in 1955 in Springfield KY

farmland near the river valley

one of many fish farms
catfish? black bass?

Hubby was worried about fuel prices because of Hurricane Matthew
cheaper than at home
many fuel stations sold chicken & seafood...interesting

large bales of cotton

large roadside cross

These photos were taken driving from Arkansas to the Mississippi border.

more of those country Baptist (and other denominations) churches

the only fall color along our drive through the southern states

cotton fields

bayous instead of rivers & creeks

the bridge crossing from AR to MS

the Mighty Mississippi

And from earlier in the trip...I think from a cemetery in Oklahoma...
chigger bites on my legs, ankles and my jawline
the detriment of wearing capris and sandals
and getting down in the grass

I remember when Hubby got them in Montana
and how miserable he was, but he laid in the grass
his bites were in 'more' places

State #9 next...

1 comment:

  1. Chigger bites? Have not heard of those little critters?!?! Good thing you did not lie in the grass. Have not been to Mississippi either, will have to put those states on our bucket list. Wow, the mighty Mississippi!


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