Friday, October 14, 2016

State #11 on the GeoAdventure Tour

State #11

jet vapors

church humor

pretty drive, narrow road

barges on the Ohio River

tug boat on the Ohio River

tug doing its job
confluence of the Mississippi River & the Ohio River

bridge over the Ohio
very NARROW bridge over the Ohio
we met a couple of semis and heard rubbing & scraping sounds
was it us? hope it was them!

close to sundown
time to get to the campground

our road map of Kentucky
no big cities, small country communities
collecting geocaches
ready for the end of the day's campground

Oh, there's more to this day's geoadventure...

1 comment:

  1. Lots of boat traffic, similar to the St. Clair River. You and Curt are certainly having a great road trip.


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